Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Trying out a number of MMOs

Lately, I've gotten the itch to play something new. The current list of PC games that I play includes no MMORPGs; I had just been burnt out on the disappointments of whats available.

But this blog has made me want to jump back into the fray. Here's a quick rundown of what I've tried out in the last week:

Lineage 2 - This one was pretty awesome, until I used a scroll that's usage wasn't clearly outlined and ended up far from my level-appropriate zone. The roads back were guarded by monsters who were obviously more powerful than my character, so on the run back I was killed so many times that I just decided to put L2 away for now. I'm not saying L2 is a bad game - it seemed like it would be excellent, I'm just taking a break due to frustration.

Vindictus - The first thing that bothered me about this title was that you are confined to a single town. Nevertheless, I spent a long time playing this one. The combat system and destructible environments were enough to keep me interested for a little while. However, I feel that this game doesn't have much else to offer; but I'll keep playing on and off to be sure.

Eden Eternal - I couldn't get this one to patch properly, so I never actually got to play it. It seems promising, but I won't know until the devs fix the patcher.

Mortal Online - This one has potential. But my foray into the MO world was a horrible experience, and I won't be returning to it for a long while. Reading through reviews and their website had me thinking this could be the sandbox experience I was hoping for. But the game is glitchy, and combat was very clunky. I'm keeping this game on my watch-list however, and I may return to it in the future - especially if they convert to F2P.

The last one I checked out is Age of Conan: Unchained. This one was pretty satisfying, though its the exact opposite of sandbox. But so far its a decent game, and worth checking out especially since its gone F2P. My absolute favorite thing about it is the polished environments; everything is very detailed.

So that's it so far, but I'm still on the lookout for good games to try (especially ones with a trial, or F2P option). If you have any recommendations, let me know!

On my to-try list: Wurm Online, Ryzom.