Saturday, November 5, 2011

RaiderZ - New MMORPG from Frogster

The publisher of Runes of Magic and TERA Eu, Frogster, has just released a trailer for a new F2P title called RaiderZ. You can view the trailer here. Or sign up for the newsletter here (the first 10,000 will get beta access!)

Now, this normally wouldn't be significant to me - this isn't a news blog. But this game boasts an action combat system similar to TERA's, and I have a few things to say on the subject.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm excited to play TERA when it does roll around to beta time in NA. The combat in TERA looks to be a step in the right direction for the future of MMORPGs. I've always felt the GCD-based combat in most current MMORPGs is lackluster at best. And the fact that I can hook up a controller and play - that is definitely innovative.

But a quick gloss over of their official website, and something became glaringly obvious to me: That seems to be all it has going for it. Is that going to be enough to get players hooked?

Again, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely going to play it. But outside of the combat, I'd really like to hear something about crafting, or any sandbox features, or if/how linear the game is. It's even apparent in reviews; all anyone is talking about is the combat. I'm going to have to play for myself to decide if its worth sticking around for, but I've got my fingers crossed for player housing, innovative crafting, or any other outside-the-box non-combat features (Vanguard:SoH's diplomacy feature comes to mind).

Now what does all this have to do with RaiderZ? Well RaiderZ has an advantageous position over TERA from the get go: It will be free to play. If TERA doesn't deliver, I'll just play RaiderZ to get my action combat fix.

EDIT: I did read a little about the crafting, but none of it was all that different from what you'd find in other MMORPGs, and end-game crafting becomes relatively worthless. On player housing: There is guild housing, but no player housing as far as I can tell currently. Still researching other features.