Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Feature Game

For the sake of getting the ideas flowing, I decided it might be fun to play a little comment-game. Basically, we'll each name a feature we either have or haven't seen in a game, that we enjoyed or think we would enjoy in an MMORPG.

  • You can't name something that's already been named. So try to read the comments before you post your feature.
  • Explain why you'd like to see it, and if applicable, name a game that has this feature.

I'll start us off: Farming. Not farming as in killing mobs for specific loot - farming as in farming, as seen in games like Luna Online.

Luna had player owned farms, though it took quite a bit of work to get one going - and I feel its a feature that is not often seen and even less often done right. With sandbox features like this, they need to work themselves into the games economy, otherwise it feels like an afterthought and a sidetrack from the point to the game. Nonetheless it was fun to have a farm and tend to my crops.

Your turn!